Immersion at the Historic Estate of rare citrus fruits in Europe
duration: 1h30
Discover our collection and the extraordinary diversity of citrus fruits from around the world: yuzu, Buddha's hand, lemon caviar and many others... but also the specificities of our profession during a guided tour with tasting of the fruits we will pick together. We have been cultivating rare citrus fruits for more than 30 years, destined for the most beautiful tables of French and European gastronomy. On the terroir of Eus, the sunniest village in France, our citrus fruits express incredible colors and exceptional flavors. We will be delighted to tell you their history, but also how to cultivate them, pick them and taste them.
A moment of exchange and sharing that is both friendly and delicious!
- By online registration, Limited number of participants per slot
- Price: €12 per adult, €8 per child, free for children under 6 years old
The tour may be canceled if the number of participants is insufficient.
For the reception of GROUPS (schools, adults, etc.) or for any other request, please send us an email